Chattanooga Environmental History Reading Group, Spring 2025
How have we as humans shaped the earth over the course of our history? How have our interactions with and uses of the earth, of environments, landscapes, ecosystems, and agricultural practices shaped us? What can we know about the environmental history of the American South, and of the Southern Appalachians where we live? And how can such knowledge shape how we live now, the political and personal decisions we make, how we relate to the land and to one another?
These are just some of the questions we will explore in our environmental history reading group, which is open to anyone interested in participating at any level. Our first meeting will be on January 9 from 6:30 to 8:00 (or so!) pm, and will take place at And Then Books (400 Spring St, Rossville, GA 30741, just across the state line). Participants are encouraged to bring a food or drink item for sharing; babies and children are welcome! We’ll most likely be meeting monthly, though depending on the number of participants, interest level, and so on we might try a bi-monthly schedule.
No prior background in the subject is necessary, just a willingness to read along and to discuss and listen. We will start our journey at the global level with The Burning Earth, and gradually work our way over the course of the semester closer to home. The remainder of our list will be decided upon by participants, with the titles pictured here good candidates. We’ll interpret “environmental history” pretty broadly, including histories of technology, of agriculture, and of environment-related cultural practices. And if you only interested in a particular book, that’s fine! There will be no expectation of everyone attending every session (though if you do that’s great!).
The reading group will be coordinated by the FFCC’s founder and co-director, Dr. Jonathan Parkes Allen (University of Maryland, 2019).
If this sounds of interest to you, click the button below to let us know and we’ll keep you in the loop!